Picture of the Month
November 2007
Black-fronted Nunbird (Monasa nigrifrons), Rio Negro, Brazil
The nunbird is one of the most common predators of the forest understory in this part of the Amazon. It perches quietly on a low-lying branch, keeping a sharp eye out for unwary insects which it darts out to catch on the wing.
Nikon D2X Digital camera, with Nikkor 200-400mm lerns
Life, Color, Drama, Reality .... No Digital Manipulation
PHOTO TOURS 2008: Kevin will only be leading one photo expedition this coming year, with Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic to magical South Georgia Island. With a full week on South Georgia and three days in the Falklands, it will be a trip not to be missed. Joining Kevin on board will be photographer Flip Nicklin, writer Kim Heacox and Photo Expedition leaders Jack and Rikki Swenson. For more information, go here --- or contact me with questions.
To see some of Kevin's previous photos of South Georgia, visit here.
Review a previous Picture of the Month:
To contact Kevin Schafer :
Search for images at kevinschafer.com/catalog